Our Policies



  • Passenger rail connection out to Toowoomba
  • Passenger rail connection north connecting Sunshine Coast/Gladstone/Rockhampton
  • Rail connection between Ipswich/Springfield and Gold Coast lines
  • Support the Inland Rail project to run Toowoomba to Gladstone

Electric Vehicles

  • All state government vehicles to be electric by 2032
  • All council vehicles to be electric by 2035
  • Create "feed in" grid for EV parked in homes at night
  • All council bus depots to be solar
  • Create incentives for fleet vehicles and hire companies to use EVs

Alternative Transport

  • Increase percentage of State transport budget for cycling infrastructure to 4% of total
  • Consult with councils to develop electric bus networks and redesign public transport grid
  • Complete Greater SEQ bike path network


  • Minimum patient numbers in hospitals
  • Specialty maternity clinics in low coverage areas
  • Nurses Housing Commission
  • Legalise cannabis including homegrow
  • Increase access and decrease cost of abortions
  • Expand QAS to include rapid response teams for mental health/DV
  • Independent commission to review Queensland Health and recommend changes
  • Focus on increasing regional capacity to reduce travel requirements


  • Solar for Schools initiative to give funding and support opportunities in the community
  • Every classroom to have air conditioning and HEPA air filtration
  • Teachers Housing Authority to help cost of living and staff retention
  • School chaplain program to be replaced with qualified counsellors
  • Support for AUSLAN language classes to be offered in more schools
  • Remove gender-restrictive uniform policies in schools
  • Encourage "both-ways" learning models for Indigenous education
  • Restore funding and support infrastructure for TAFE and vocational education


  • No new prisons
  • Funding for intensive early intervention programs
  • Trial trauma trained mental health nurses to be used for DV callouts and welfare
    checks, run through QAS
  • Funding for community based policing initiatives
  • Expanding victim compensation scheme
  • Review into police and corrective services to dismantle systemic racism
  • Immediately accept all recommendations of Commission of Inquiry into Police Responses for Racism and Domestic Violence
  • Funding 24 hour youth drop-in hubs to get kids off the streets
  • Expanding restorative justice models through Magistrates courts for petty crime


  • No new coal or gas
  • Immediate ban on fracking
  • Protections for farmers refusing mining companies access
  • Enact Pristine Rivers Act
  • Expand Indigenous ranger program
  • Create Local Power Authority for community owned battery and renewables
  • Stop Coomera Connection, Toondah Harbour, and reassess environmental impacts


  • Replace Stamp Duty with progressive land taxation
  • Create Queensland Housing Authority

o QHA to provide funding to local governments for social and community housing

o Support industry housing commissions, starting with Nursing or Teachers

o Department of Housing to refocus on policy and compliance

  • Implement green building standards and accessibility standards
  • Run the Solar Citizens and QCOSS emPOWER Homes program
  • Environmental Impact Statement to be submitted for all housing developments, taking into consideration climate change and flood maps
  • Realign housing policy at government and council levels to "housing first" models


  • Prioritise manufacturing in regional areas
  • All regions reliant on fossil fuels jobs to have an industry transition plan
  • Extra funding to games design industry and support for eSports events
  • Review payroll tax burdens for SME
  • Examine support for re-establishing car manufacturing in Queensland
  • Create a social enterprise incubator fund
  • Create a Hemp Research Centre in North Queensland to support growing the hemp industry
  • Reintroduce the Agricultural Colleges in regional areas


  • Expand scope of QCCC and make the Commission fully independent
  • Expand definitions of corruption and ability for QCCC to self-initiate investigations
  • Conduct full review into Local Council governance models and allegations of systemic corruption
  • Conduct full review into partisan practices of senior leadership of public service
  • Create Independent Judiciary Review to hold judges accountable
  • Ban "cash for access" meetings for all government and shadow ministers
  • Expand banned industry donors to fossil fuels and gambling
  • Reduce election signage to one corflute for each party/candidate at entrance to polling booth

Women's Safety

  • Create Family Justice Hubs with wraparound services for women escaping FDV
  • Support community consultation on coercive control
  • Replace police as first responders for DV, create new rapid response unit under QAS
  • Adopt recommendations of Victorian Royal Commission into Domestic Violence


  • Support the process for Treaty in Queensland
  • Investigate a state Voice to Parliament
  • Increase criminal age of responsibility to 14
  • Special Indigenous community policing units
  • Abolish public drunkenness offence
  • Require major development and mining projects to submit Cultural Impact Statement
  • Simplify protections for cultural sites
  • Stop development over Sacred Sites, such as Carmichael Mine or Deebing Creek
  • Review into child removals and institutional care arrangements
  • Adopt recommendations of 1993 Victorian Royal Commission into deaths in custody
  • Adopt recommendations of 1997 Bringing Them Home Report
  • Create "Both Ways" schooling options for Indigenous schools


  • Strengthening anti-discrimination laws
  • Supporting right and access to gender affirming care

Community Welfare

  • Pokies reform, including licence rebates for venues that go pokie-free
  • Regular community "town halls" on issues to get direct feedback on issues
  • Removing the Lord's Prayer from the start of Parliament and Councils
  • End support for businesses that directly contribute to apartheid and genocide internationally
  • Mandate "buy local first" and ethical supply chains for all government and councils

This is not an exhaustive list of our policies. We are only new, and we are still developing our suite of policies that will bring positive politics to Queensland. You can help us grow our party and our policies, join today!

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