Our Policies
- Passenger rail connection out to Toowoomba
- Passenger rail connection north connecting Sunshine Coast/Gladstone/Rockhampton
- Rail connection between Ipswich/Springfield and Gold Coast lines
- Support the Inland Rail project to run Toowoomba to Gladstone
Electric Vehicles
- All state government vehicles to be electric by 2032
- All council vehicles to be electric by 2035
- Create "feed in" grid for EV parked in homes at night
- All council bus depots to be solar
- Create incentives for fleet vehicles and hire companies to use EVs
Alternative Transport
- Increase percentage of State transport budget for cycling infrastructure to 4% of total
- Consult with councils to develop electric bus networks and redesign public transport grid
- Complete Greater SEQ bike path network
- Minimum patient numbers in hospitals
- Specialty maternity clinics in low coverage areas
- Nurses Housing Commission
- Legalise cannabis including homegrow
- Increase access and decrease cost of abortions
- Expand QAS to include rapid response teams for mental health/DV
- Independent commission to review Queensland Health and recommend changes
- Focus on increasing regional capacity to reduce travel requirements
- Solar for Schools initiative to give funding and support opportunities in the community
- Every classroom to have air conditioning and HEPA air filtration
- Teachers Housing Authority to help cost of living and staff retention
- School chaplain program to be replaced with qualified counsellors
- Support for AUSLAN language classes to be offered in more schools
- Remove gender-restrictive uniform policies in schools
- Encourage "both-ways" learning models for Indigenous education
- Restore funding and support infrastructure for TAFE and vocational education
- No new prisons
- Funding for intensive early intervention programs
- Trial trauma trained mental health nurses to be used for DV callouts and welfare
checks, run through QAS - Funding for community based policing initiatives
- Expanding victim compensation scheme
- Review into police and corrective services to dismantle systemic racism
- Immediately accept all recommendations of Commission of Inquiry into Police Responses for Racism and Domestic Violence
- Funding 24 hour youth drop-in hubs to get kids off the streets
- Expanding restorative justice models through Magistrates courts for petty crime
- No new coal or gas
- Immediate ban on fracking
- Protections for farmers refusing mining companies access
- Enact Pristine Rivers Act
- Expand Indigenous ranger program
- Create Local Power Authority for community owned battery and renewables
- Stop Coomera Connection, Toondah Harbour, and reassess environmental impacts
- Replace Stamp Duty with progressive land taxation
- Create Queensland Housing Authority
o QHA to provide funding to local governments for social and community housing
o Support industry housing commissions, starting with Nursing or Teachers
o Department of Housing to refocus on policy and compliance
- Implement green building standards and accessibility standards
- Run the Solar Citizens and QCOSS emPOWER Homes program
- Environmental Impact Statement to be submitted for all housing developments, taking into consideration climate change and flood maps
- Realign housing policy at government and council levels to "housing first" models
- Prioritise manufacturing in regional areas
- All regions reliant on fossil fuels jobs to have an industry transition plan
- Extra funding to games design industry and support for eSports events
- Review payroll tax burdens for SME
- Examine support for re-establishing car manufacturing in Queensland
- Create a social enterprise incubator fund
- Create a Hemp Research Centre in North Queensland to support growing the hemp industry
- Reintroduce the Agricultural Colleges in regional areas
- Expand scope of QCCC and make the Commission fully independent
- Expand definitions of corruption and ability for QCCC to self-initiate investigations
- Conduct full review into Local Council governance models and allegations of systemic corruption
- Conduct full review into partisan practices of senior leadership of public service
- Create Independent Judiciary Review to hold judges accountable
- Ban "cash for access" meetings for all government and shadow ministers
- Expand banned industry donors to fossil fuels and gambling
- Reduce election signage to one corflute for each party/candidate at entrance to polling booth
Women's Safety
- Create Family Justice Hubs with wraparound services for women escaping FDV
- Support community consultation on coercive control
- Replace police as first responders for DV, create new rapid response unit under QAS
- Adopt recommendations of Victorian Royal Commission into Domestic Violence
- Support the process for Treaty in Queensland
- Investigate a state Voice to Parliament
- Increase criminal age of responsibility to 14
- Special Indigenous community policing units
- Abolish public drunkenness offence
- Require major development and mining projects to submit Cultural Impact Statement
- Simplify protections for cultural sites
- Stop development over Sacred Sites, such as Carmichael Mine or Deebing Creek
- Review into child removals and institutional care arrangements
- Adopt recommendations of 1993 Victorian Royal Commission into deaths in custody
- Adopt recommendations of 1997 Bringing Them Home Report
- Create "Both Ways" schooling options for Indigenous schools
- Strengthening anti-discrimination laws
- Supporting right and access to gender affirming care
Community Welfare
- Pokies reform, including licence rebates for venues that go pokie-free
- Regular community "town halls" on issues to get direct feedback on issues
- Removing the Lord's Prayer from the start of Parliament and Councils
- End support for businesses that directly contribute to apartheid and genocide internationally
- Mandate "buy local first" and ethical supply chains for all government and councils